It’s that time of year again!
On Thursday, April 29, the Harrison County Republican Party will be holding its 71st Annual Lincoln Day Dinner. It will be held in Corydon at the parish hall of St Joseph's Catholic Church. The address is 312 E. High Street, Corydon, IN 47112. A Google map is available here.
Doors will open at 6:00 pm for “meet and greet.” Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.
The dinner, the county GOP’s seventy-first, will feature remarks by candidates for United States Senate, Congress, and local offices. The dinner will be a chance for local Republicans and the public to meet and hear from the Republican candidates, enjoy a good meal, and share fellowship and patriotism with fellow Republicans.
Tickets are $20 per person and are available by RSVPing to Lori Davis at (812) 596-0422 or by sending an email to the address over on the right. Tickets for members of the Harrison County Young Republicans are only $10 (membership costs $10 and individuals from Harrison County under age 40 can join at the door).
Ads may also be purchased in the event program. Ads are the perfect way for local businesses to show their support for the Republican Party and for candidates to target advertising directly to a large group of Republican voters.
A half-page ad, measuring 6 inches in width by 3.5 inches in height, is available for $50. A full-page ad, measuring 6 inches in width by 7.5 inches in height, is available for $100. Full page ads include the literature fee (see below). Ad space is limited.
Please send an email with your ad content to the email over on the right or contact Scott Fluhr at (812) 972-5182 for more information. Ads must be received on or before April 23.
Ads will be printed in color, though the printing is donated and accordingly we request that large expanses of solid color not be present in the advertisement.
The Harrison County GOP will levy a “literature fee” on the distribution of campaign materials by candidates or campaigns. Brochures, cards, flyers, and other campaign material may not be distributed in the event hall or on the premises without payment of the literature fee. This includes items that are handed out and items that are placed on tables. The fee is $20 per candidate or campaign. The fee is included in the cost of a full-page ad.
We are also in need of a few good Republicans to volunteer and help with setting up the building for Lincoln Day and cleaning up afterward. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lori Davis at (812) 596-0422.