The Harrison County Republican Central Committee will caucus on Thursday, June 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the Government Center in Corydon for the purposes of filling the vacancy created by the passing of Harrison County Third District Commissioner Jim Klinstiver.
Only precinct committeepersons may vote in this caucus. Precinct vice committeepersons may vote as proxies for their absent precinct committeeperson.
Voting will be by private ballot and will continue until one candidate has reached a majority of the precinct committeemen and proxies that are present.
Once the caucus has selected who will fill the vacancy, the county chairman will certify the result to the Circuit Court Clerk. Harrison County Circuit Court Judge John Evans will be on hand that evening to swear in whoever is chosen to fill the vacancy.
Individuals interested in seeking the vacancy must file a declaration of candidacy with Harrison County Republican Party Chairman Scott Fluhr no later than 72 hours before the caucus, in this case by Monday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m.
Candidates must be able to complete a written questionnaire and present themselves for interviews by an interview committee composed of precinct committeemen on the evenings of either Tuesday, June 5, or Wednesday, June 6.
The interview committee will not make any selections or recommendations, but will report to the caucus on their interviews. The committee itself will be selected at a meeting of precinct committeemen on Saturday, June 2.
Even though the law mandates us to select someone to fill Jim’s office and complete his term, we can never truly replace him. He leaves immense shoes behind and the void created by his departure will never be completely filled. We must select someone who, by their dealings with the public and their relentless work ethic, does Jim proud in their time filling out the remainder of the term.