Twenty-seven (out of thirty-five) precinct committeemen were present. One candidate filed a declaration indicating an interest in seeking the position of third district commissioner.
The candidate was Jim Heitkemper, who has served previously as county commissioner and at-large council member.
The caucus selected Heitkemper to fill the vacancy. A formal vote was required to take place under Indiana state law even though he was unopposed. The vote was unanimous.
The Honorable John Evans, Judge of the Harrison Circuit Court, was on hand to swear in Jim Heitkemper after the vote.
We can never truly replace Jim Klinstiver, but we are confident that Jim Heitkemper will--by virtue of his past experience, strong work ethic, and history of community involvement--be able to work hard and ably for the people of Harrison County. Together, we will carry on Jim Klinstiver's legacy of honorable public service.