We are proud to announce the rescheduling of the 81st Annual Harrison County Lincoln Day Dinner, which will be held on Friday, August 14, and will feature your Republican candidates along with a speaker to be announced.
It will be held at Lincoln Hills Christian Church on Highway 62 just west of Corydon. The address is 1130 Dale Ave, Corydon, IN 47112. A Google map is available here.
Doors will open at 5:30 pm for “meet and greet.” Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.
The dinner will be a chance for local Republicans and the public to meet and hear from the Republican candidates and elected officials, enjoy a good meal, and share fellowship and patriotism with fellow Republicans.
Tickets are $30 per person.
Because of the Wuhan virus, we will be taking special measures in accordance with government health guidelines to have a safe event, including social distancing. Masks are not required, but are welcome.
Due to social distancing requirements, tickets and seating will likely be limited. Please RSVP early.
Additionally, we are offering the opportunity to order carry-out dinners.
You can pay for tickets online by clicking here.
You may also use the above website to donate if you cannot attend but want to support the Republican ticket this fall.
You can also RSVP by sending an email to the address on the right or by calling or texting Holli Castetter at 812-972-2445.
Payment for tickets may also be made in advance by sending a check to Harrison County Republican Party, P.O. Box 729, Corydon, IN 47112.
If you sent a check for April’s canceled dinner, please contact Holli. We did not cash those checks but can now put them toward tickets for the August dinner instead.
The evening will also feature a silent auction and other opportunities to help raise money for the local GOP.
Ads may also be purchased in the event program. Ads are the perfect way for local businesses to show their support for good conservative government in Harrison County and for elected officials and candidates to target advertising directly to a large group of Republican voters.
Please email the address on the right for more information. Ads must be received on or before Monday, August 10.
We are also in need of a few good Republicans to volunteer and help with setting up the building for Lincoln Day and cleaning up afterward. If you are interested in volunteering, please send us an email.