Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hands Off My Health Care Rally

Hands Off My Health Care Rally in Jeffersonville
About two hundred folks came out to show their opposition to ObamaCare, including a lot of people from Harrison County, at the Hands Off My Health Care Rally in Jeffersonville last Wednesday.

You can view more pictures of the rally here.

It was good to have so many familiar faces, particularly at an event outside of Harrison County held on a weekday evening just after work.

The local news had quite a bit of coverage of the rally.

The Courier-Journal had an article here. They quote the number of attendees as being about 100; there were probably about twice that number present as people kept arriving as the rally went on.

WHAS 11 did a story on their 11 o'clock news about the rally. You can watch video of that here. A couple of folks from Harrison County, including Norman Dennison and several Young Republicans (look for their red shirts), appear in the story.

WAVE 3 also has a story about the rally on their website here. Over on the right side of the story, near the bottom, there is a photo of Norman Dennison engaging in a discussion with a supporter of ObamaCare:

WAVE 3 also has a video online of their coverage of the rally here. Norman Dennison showed up in that clip, too. He's becoming a regular media superstar.

There were about fifty supporters of ObamaCare holding a counter-rally just down the street. The same number of people attended a pro-ObamaCare rally at the same location the day before. The folks at the Hands Off My Health Care Rally outnumbered them about four times over.

According to the (normally very liberal) Los Angeles Times, Obama is actually paying people $15 an hour to go to these rallies to support his plan for a government takeover of health care.

If you were able to attend the Hands Off my Health Care Rally, thanks for coming out.

If you couldn't make it, you can still urge Baron Hill and others in Congress to oppose Obama's takeover of health care by signing the Patients First petition here.