Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio Coming to Harrison County on August 21!

Sheriff Joe ArpaioThe Harrison County Republican Party invites you to join us on the evening of Saturday, August 21, to welcome America's Toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio.

Sheriff Joe, famous for making inmates in the Maricopa County Jail in Arizona wear pink underwear and housing them in a tent city in the desert to save taxpayer dollars, will be in Corydon for a reception and to speak at dinner.

The dinner will be held at the Parish Hall at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Corydon and will be preceded by a reception at the First State Office Building in support of Harrison County's candidates in the 2010 election.

Tickets to the reception are $120.10 per couple (for the 2010 election) and $80 per individual. The reception will include a photo taken with Sheriff Joe. Doors open for the reception at 5:45 p.m. Tickets to dinner are included in the cost of the reception.

Tickets to dinner are $25 per person for regular seating and $35 per person for reserved priority seating. Doors open for dinner at 6:45 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m.

Join us for an exciting evening with America's Toughest Sheriff. You've heard about Joe Arpaio on television and probably read about him in emails forwarded to you by family and friends. Now meet him in person.

Tickets will be limited and must be purchased in advance.

Click here to register online:

You can also register by calling the Harrison County Republican Headquarters at 225-5551.

Payment is accepted online via credit card or by check (via mail or dropped off at the headquarters).

Click here to tell your friends about this event on Facebook.

Click here to read Sheriff Joe’s bio.